Birth Session | Mountain View, CA

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Welcome to the world Miss. P! I was honored to be a part of your welcoming committee and to capture your amazing entrance. xo m #birth #familyphotography #birthphotography #familyphotographer #lifestylephotography #MountainViewFamilyPhotographer #lifestylephotographer #blackandwhite

Family Session | Mountain View, CA

Session Shares

So, it had been two years since I had the pleasure of photographing this family but when we met up at Shoreline Park a few weeks ago it was as though we hadn’t missed a beat! The session started with a rousing game of hide & seek between the kids and Dad… She was our […]

Newborn Session | Washington, DC

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I was fortunate enough to travel to our nation’s Capital last week to both meet and capture my newest niece! She is the epitome of perfection…if I do say so myself 😉 This was my sister’s first baby and so we were all very excited and waiting with baited breath for her arrival; which came […]

Earth Day Wardrobe Wednesday

Photo Tips

Happy Earth Day Everybody! I had been hoping to provide you with an Earth Day themed shoot this week, but life had other plans 🙂 Instead I am sharing an old post of my Sister’s, about making your own clothing, for yourself or your little one! This is a great option for reinventing old fabrics […]

Wardrobe Wednesday Maternity Style

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For you soon to be Moms out there, check out this week’s Wardrobe Wednesday Maternity Style 🙂 This jersey tank dress is great for any summer Momma trying to stay cool, but accessorize with a chunky necklace and some bangles you are ready for your professional photo shoot!  Tighter fitting items are always when capturing […]

Engagement Session | Santa Cruz

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It was so fun exploring UC Santa Cruz with this soon-to-be married couple! We didn’t let the heavy drizzle that decided to join us slow us one bit. Can’t wait for their May wedding, hopefully these showers will bring the flowers! Wahoo!!! #california #engagementsession #modernlifestylephotographer #engagement #engagementphotography #lifestylephotography #SantaCruz #engagementshoot

Our Wedding | Kunde Winery | Sonoma, CA

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I am so in love I just had to share our wedding video from Marmalade Sky Films, they did an amazing job!  I love being able to relive the best day of my life so far. #groom #kundewinery #kunde #fall #bride #love #wedding #family #winery

Wardrobe Wednesday

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Since I am jetting off this weekend to New York for my Sister’s Baby Shower, I thought it only fitting to do a Wardrobe Wednesday in honor of my little niece that I can’t wait to meet!  Affectionately nicknamed Dazzle until she makes her worldly debut 🙂 I was in Baby Gap today doing a […]

Image Competition

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So I am admittedly lame at submitting images for competition. Something I am working on improving during 2015. Starting with the image below. I have submitted it to the NAPCP Image Competition. Wish me luck! It will be critiqued no matter what so I can’t wait to hear what the judges think. This image is […]

Wardrobe Wednesday

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Absolutely loving this week’s looks from Crew Cuts at J.Crew.  With Spring just around the corner this look evokes the fun Summer will bring and the coordination is superb.  Multiple patterns but nothing to overwhelming because the anchor is echoed in Baby’s onesie and the polka dots, well are just awesome! 🙂  With everything in […]

Let’s preserve your sweetest moments

Don’t wait for the time to pass you by