I absolutely love creative retreats. Not only are they a great way for me to interact with like-minded professionals, but there is a creative retreat for everyone!
The Underwater Kids Retreat was an amazing experience! The very best part of the retreat was reconnecting with NAPCP friends. Former NAPCP Photographer of the Year Jennifer Kapala instructed us, along with co-hosts Amy Vecchio and Christi Allen Curtis. I was so excited to see my fellow NAPCP Ambassadors Willy Wilson, and Kim Tank, too! I was thrilled to meet some virtual friends in person, and make some totally new friends, as well. (I’m lookin’ at you, Amy, Christi, Renee and Samantha!)
Outside of fun-with-friends, I was incredibly excited about the Underwater Kids Retreat for two reasons. First, last year I purchased Ikelite underwater housing. I played with it and learned some things, but I looked forward to gaining real knowledge about how to get the most out of it for myself and my clients. Second, this was the first workshop I attended since Nolan’s birth almost TWO years ago! Time flies.
It wasn’t the warmest of Florida weekends, and the Airbnb’s pool wasn’t heated, but we powered through the first day with incredible models. In the evening we did a night shoot in a black-bottom pool. Using pool lights and lights from outside the pool, we challenged our artistry and executed our individual visions. This session gave me such a boost of creative energy! I’m practically bursting with ideas for warm-weather underwater shoots here in California.
This is what they mean when they say that nothing compares to winter in Florida. The water temperature at Ginnie Springs, which is just north of Gainesville, stays at 72 degrees all year. Bonus: this water temperature also makes alligator sightings highly unlikely! Jacque Cousteau himself described the water of Ginnie Springs as “the clearest water in the world”. Cypress trees line the shores. The eerily beautiful scenery relaxes your mind and body. I’m certain there are few places as wonderful as Ginnie Springs, Florida.
My clients will be delighted to read that I can’t wait to put all I learned into action. Let’s adventure together to the ocean, your favorite lake, or the pool in your backyard!
Each and every one of the wonderful women who attended the Underwater Kids Retreat contributed to the community learning environment in her own special way. Please visit them online for further inspiration!
Jennifer Kapala: Instagram | Website
Amy Vecchio: Instagram | Website
Christi Allen Curtis: Instagram | Website
Willy Wilson: Instagram | Website
Samantha Ann: Instagram | Website
Renee Stengel: Instagram | Website
#creativeretreats #Floridanaturalwaterlocations #CapturedSimplicity #BayAreaunderwaterphotographer #napcp #Ikelite #JenniferKapala #WillyWilson #SamanthaAnnPhotographyLLC #ReneeStengelPhotography #underwaterphotography #NAPCPAmbassadors #UnderwaterKidsRetreat #GinnieSprings #KimTank #UnderwaterKids #LifeUnstill #ChristiAllenCurtis #underwaterhousing
These are beautiful. I wish l was a good swimmer so l could have some of these taken of myself. Your water work is absolutely stunning!