I absolutely love creative retreats. Not only are they a great way for me to interact with like-minded professionals, but there is a creative retreat for everyone! I recently traveled to Micanopy, Florida, for the first ever Underwater Kids Retreat. The Underwater Kids Retreat was an amazing experience! The very best part of the retreat […]
Boo! With Halloween coming up this weekend I thought, what would be more appropriate than a Halloween themed Wardrobe Wednesday?!? What are the popular costumes in your house this year? The little ones I’ve been hanging around lately are either feeling funny, feeling like a princess or dressing up like Ninjas (the overwhelming winner!) For […]
It’s October, so what does that mean?!? Halloween is right around the corner! Spaces are limited for Mary Bea Photography Halloween Mini Sessions so schedule soon! #MountainViewChildrensphotographer #costumes #minisession #miniportraitsession #halloween #marybeaphotography #MountainViewFamilyPhotography