Engagement Session | Santa Cruz

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It was so fun exploring UC Santa Cruz with this soon-to-be married couple! We didn’t let the heavy drizzle that decided to join us slow us one bit. Can’t wait for their May wedding, hopefully these showers will bring the flowers! Wahoo!!! #california #engagementsession #modernlifestylephotographer #engagement #engagementphotography #lifestylephotography #SantaCruz #engagementshoot

Engagement Session | Carmel

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I could not be more thrilled for these two! We spent the early evening twilight hours running from one majestic spot to another. The beautiful greenery and nature that surrounds them in these images truly expresses their shared love (okay…maybe he loves it a bit more than her…) of the outdoors but it also illustrates […]

Fun Fall Engagement Shoot

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We had so much fun this past weekend capturing the joy of this couple’s engagement as well as their love for each other at the wonderful and tasty Pichetti Winery in Cupertino, CA. #modernlifestylephotographer #portraitphotographer #marybeaphotography #couple #MountainViewFamilyPhotography #engagementshoot

Let’s preserve your sweetest moments

Don’t wait for the time to pass you by