So, last week I was lucky enough to get to spend tons of time with my youngest niece & nephew! In addition to splashing around in the water and spending an entire day at the zoo, we did what girls do best, we went shopping 🙂
To say that my niece (the youngest and only girl in a family with three older bro’s) is a true girly girl is an understatement! We walked into the Crew Cuts outlet and she was off. The complaints of being tired and hot went out the window, in came her sweet little voice saying, ‘Is this mine Mary?’, ‘Can I have this?’. A born shopper apparently…
Together we picked out the adorable blue t-shirt dress pictured above (comfy and yet oh-so sophisticated) – with that great statement necklace built in I am thinking it might be the perfect dress for her to wear to our Rehearsal Dinner in the Fall! For the record she wore the dress straight out of the dressing room!
My nephew had his eye on something too…do you think you can spot which item it was? Leave your answer in the comments below!
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