Family Session | Palo Alto

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I loved the expressions here when he just hit pedal to the medal in his Power Wheels Jeep and his sisters couldn’t believe it! #kidsphotographer #siblingsphotographer #portraitphotographer #BayAreaFamilyPhotographer #paloaltochildrensphotographer #familyphotography #candidphotography #color #familyportrait #familyphotographer #childrensphotographer #lifestylephotography #PaloAltoFamilyPhotography #lifestylephotographer #kids

Day in the Life | New York

candid photography

I am so fortunate to do what I do for so many reasons, one of the best though is that I have the flexibility to do it anywhere! I recently returned from a trip to New York, where I was able to visit with my family for a whole week AND work!  In my opinion that […]

Family Session | Burlingame, CA

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So much love in these photos, I don’t even have words! Would you guess this happy boy was in the midst of a nasty ’bout with a stomach virus?! Truly my favorite! #BayAreaFamilyPhotographer #familyphotography #candidphotography #familyphotographer #lifestylephotographer #burlingamefamilyphotographer

School’s Out for Summer!

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School is out for summer! Have you found activities for your little ones? Need ideas? Exploring at the Junior Museum & Zoo Here is a photo from a recent photo shoot I did at the Junior Museum & Zoo of Palo Alto. It is a wonderful hidden gem right in our neighborhood. This little guy […]

Let’s preserve your sweetest moments

Don’t wait for the time to pass you by