I began the year with a wonderful journal from Amy Tangerine called Craft a Life You Love. Like Amy, I used to love scrapbooking! In high school I made them for family and friends. In college I created mixed media digital art. (I used to love creating mix CD covers!) I picked up this book because I wanted to remind myself that creativity can be sparked in so many different ways. It doesn’t always have to be from behind the camera.
Moving on to the list, here are other books I tackled in 2019!
I did also get in a few audiobooks, heading to and from school shoots!
What books did you read in 2019? What were your favorite books? Were there any you couldn’t quite get through? What’s on your reading list for 2020? Please share with me and leave a comment!
#bestnonfiction2019 #bestaudiobooks2019 #TheSevenHusbandsofEvelynHugo #CelesteNg #TheGreatAlone #CraftaLifeYouLove #SophieKinsella #SamanthaDowning #AnAmericanMarriage #ElenaFerrante #EsiEdugyan #ThisisMarketing #WashingtonBlack #ThePower #Less #MyLovelyWife #bestbooks2019 #NaomiAlderman #MarkManson #AnnejetvanderZijl #EverythingINeverToldYou #AmyTangerine #2020readinglist #TheBoyBetweenWorlds #bestfiction2019 #bestbooksthisyear #KristinHannah #TheAliceNetwork #WheredYouGoBernadette #ThereThere #GailHoneyman #AndrewSeanGreer #SethGodin #NinePerfectStrangers #Becoming #SurpriseMe #MyBrilliantFriend #bookstoreadnow #TayariJones #TaylorJenkinsReid #TheFlightAttendant #EleanorOliphantisCompletelyFine #MichelleObama #WheretheCrawdadsSing #TheSubtleArtofNotGivingaFck #KateQuinn #TommyOrange #ChrisBohjalian #AGentlemaninMoscow #LianeMoriarty #DeliaOwens